Your Formula For Success
What is your formula for success? Whether you know it or
you do have a formula... for better or for worse.
I want to share with you a formula that makes achieving your
Desires simple.
I call it, The Success Attitude Formula. And, in reality,
use this formula to reach your objectives, whether you
know it or not.
This formula has been an integral part of my own achievement
The Success Attitude formula shows you how to
unlock and open the door of opportunity.
Many people have listened to experts or read their books and
been all fired up with that can-do approach. But soon
the fire goes out and they never get going, they never take
first step, or they quit too easily.
This won't happen when you know your genuine Core Desires
apply the Success Attitude formula.
Success Attitude = (Core Desires + Direction) x Proper
+ Persistence
A Success Attitude is a frame of mind that allows you to
whatever you want because you know you can create
the opportunity and then make it happen.
You may not necessarily know how you will create the
you just know that you have the ability to
learn whatever it takes to acquire the attributes, skills,
and characteristics
needed. With this foundation, you need
only identify what you really want to learn about and then
find a mentor to shorten
your learning curve.
Remember that you are smart enough to learn whatever someone
willing to teach you.
With the skill and attitude you learn from a mentor, you can
create the opportunity and make it happen. You may
surprise yourself with the things you can do. You will
acquire the
talent and attitudes needed thanks to your Core
Desires and your Conquering Force.
When you have faith and confidence in yourself, you will do
and attempt to do more. The ancient Greeks defined
faith as "action out of confidence." The more confidence you
the more action you will take.
Where can you get more faith and confidence? You can borrow
from someone who has plenty of it-from those who are
already successful at whatever you want to learn-whether
it's skiing,
swimming, marriage, or business.
When you apply what they have taught you, you will achieve
results as promised, thus greatly increasing your faith.
When you exercise your faith, you will become a more
and faith-full person.
If you're not where you want to be in life, then take a look
your formula for success and see how it measures up to
the Success Attitude Formula.
Jack M. Zufelt